Barnet Football Club


The Gift of Life | By Mel Stein

Former Barnet FC Legal Director, Mel Stein, who sadly passed away recently, has had his book ‘The Gift of Life’ published by Double A Group Publishing.


As featured in the Express, ‘The Gift of Life‘ tells the story of Hamilton Naki. In the midst of 1960s Apartheid South Africa, Naki assisted Dr Christiaan Barnard with the world’s first human-to-human heart transplant – despite having no formal training and it being illegal under the regime.


This week marked the 55th anniversary of that landmark operation. The true story of this occasion has often been forgotten, but Mel Stein – long-term friend of the Club – was keen to rectify this in his book.


Barnet Football Club Chairman, Tony Kleanthous, said:


“It’s an incredible story and only makes you think what could have been achieved had Barnard and Naki been able to work together in an open environment.”


Although Mel has recently passed, he will forever be warmly remembered at the Club for his tireless efforts in support of Barnet FC. In particular, his fight against the Football League’s proposed expulsion of the Club will be recalled for giving our Club the gift of life.


The Gift of Life’ is available in paperback and on Kindle.